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Monitoring and ongoing follow-up

If your case has gone through an unsuccessful debt collection process or you have been to court and obtained a judgment against your customer, but unfortunately this has not resulted in payment from the debtor, you can choose to put your case on monitoring. In monitoring, we continuously remind your customer of their debt and keep an eye on their finances. As a business owner, it can be both cumbersome and time-consuming to follow up on limitation periods and your receivables.

Due to our unique debt collection score and close cooperation with Experian, we perform comprehensive assessments of your customers' ability to pay on a daily basis. Therefore, we are able to react quickly and initiate situation-specific activities on cases when we see a positive development in the customer's ability to pay. At the same time, we run ongoing campaigns at selected times to promote payment with your customer.

Settlement in monitoring

If we recover your money in the process, we get commission on the amount recovered - if we don't, the service is free of charge free of charge to you. We have a common interest in recovering your money and will not stop until we have reached our goal.

The breakdown between you and us depends on the agreement you have with us. Below you can see the breakdown (you/Collectia) for our 3 debt collection solutions.

Distribution based on solution

The breakdown between you and us depends on the solution you have chosen. Here you can see the breakdown for our three solutions.


65/35 split


65/35 split


65/35 split

Note: Special commission rates and prices apply for international debt collection cases. Read more here.

Cooperation with Experian - RKI

With Experian as our partner, we have the opportunity to register bad payers in Denmark's most used debtor register and continuously update the debtor's circumstances. Our unique debt collection score is a highly effective tool to promote payment from your customer.

Experian regularly informs us about new registrations, address changes, deaths, bankruptcies, debt restructuring, foreclosures, etc.
