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Debt collection dictionary

Debt collection can be a jungle for many traders. Let this debt collection dictionary from Collectia be your guide in the jungle. Our debt collection dictionary is for those who want to know more about finance, debtor management and debt collection.

No matter how much or how little you deal with debt collection, debt collection often consists of a large number of words, descriptions and terms that few people use on a daily basis. Some may even struggle to understand their meaning and implications.

At Collectia, we want to make it easy and simple to work with debt collection, whether you have 1 or 10,000 annual debt collection cases.

We believe that making debt collection easy is about making it easy to understand. That's why we have created a debt collection dictionary with all the small and large concepts, words and terms that you may encounter in connection with debt collection with a debt collection company or a lawyer.

What is debt collection? What is an attachment? and is there a reminder fee on all reminder letters? Find the answer here in our comprehensive dictionary. You can also keep up to date on debt collection on our blog, where we regularly publish articles and materials to help you learn more about debt collection, debt recovery and much more in the field of finance.

Remember that you are always welcome to contact us if there are words, descriptions or terms that are not understandable. Call us on 77 30 14 80 or send an email to - we are ready to help you!