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RKI stands for Riber Credit Information and is a register of bad payers. The register is used by debt collection agencies, lawyers and private companies to register their debtors.

Other companies can use RKI as a reference tool for credit assessment. Both companies and private individuals can be registered in RKI, which is currently owned and operated by Experian.

At the end of June 2023, 173,007 Danes were registered in RKI, and the total debt from these amounted to DKK 9.1 billion (Source:

The consequences of being registered in RKI

Being registered in RKI can have serious consequences for both private individuals and businesses. Several companies use credit assessments of their customers, both at the start and during the customer relationship, where they often include information from RKI or Qatchr credit assessment.

If you are registered in RKI, you may experience a reduction in your collection, payment deadline, or you may be denied the opportunity to take out subscriptions or take out loans. Telecommunications companies may reject you as a customer, or a bank may choose not to lend you money.

How to get out of RKI

To be removed from the RKI, you must pay your debt to the creditors or their debt collection agency. An RKI registration is valid for up to five years. Please note that even if you are removed from RKI, your debt does not disappear.

RKI and debt collection

An RKI registration is often part of a debt collection process. Registration can occur after the third reminder, where this reminder includes a notification of registration in RKI.

In addition to the requirement for three reminders, these must be sent at least 10 days apart and with a payment deadline of 10 days. It is not a requirement that reminder fees are added to these reminders.

Notification of RKI registration may only occur on the third reminder.

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