Tele is a core business area for Collectia
Collectia originates from the telecom industry
Collectia actually started in Denmark due to Tele2's entry into the Danish market. We therefore have extensive experience with telecom cases. We are the company in Denmark that has handled the most telecom cases over time. This has given us a unique knowledge of the telecom industry, your customers and their ability to pay. We use this knowledge to tailor the optimal solution for you.
Collectia has, in collaboration with some of the country's largest telecommunications companies, developed a "telecom solution", which is based on a differentiated debt collection process, where respect for the individual customer's ability to pay is paramount.
Our experience tells us that a respectful but also consistent recovery strategy can offer the best results.
Due to our unique legal setup, we achieve the highest recovery rates in the short and long term while securing 3 times as many foundations as our closest competitors.
Daily handover of cases, efficient processes, user-friendly Customer Web and competent staff ensure that your cases are in safe hands. Collectia already today services some of the country's largest telecommunications companies.
5 advantages
Extensive experience in telecoms cases
Flexible solution tailored to your needs
Best case portals in the industry
Best short- and long-term recovery rates in the industry
We protect your brand